
The Achilles Heel Of The NBA Star Jabari Parker-ACL

This week on Wednesday brings us some bad news:The Bucks key player Jabari Parker will need surgery after tearing his ACL in the third quarter,estimated recovery time take about a year. ACL is a disaster for anyone. 

Now,Let's take a look at how to treat and prevent ACL.

Tears or ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are a common type of knee injury, with approximately 250,000 reported annually in the United States.

This type of injury occurs frequently in sports. ACL injuries commonly occurs in three cases:
1 As a result of cutting, pivoting or single-leg landing, and without any external trauma
2 Through a twisting force applied to the knee while the foot is planted on the ground, or upon landing on one foot
3 From a direct trauma to the knee, usually the outside of the knee, as may occur in many contact sports

It is worth noting that women and girls are most susceptible to ACL injury.
ACL Injury Treatment Options
Immediately after the injury, management consists of RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) of the affected knee.

Once an accurate diagnosis has been made then the doctor and patient can move forward with treatment options. Although surgery is sometimes necessary, not everyone who has an ACL injury is a candidate for surgery.

The decision to have ACL surgery depends on many factors, including the patient’s age, activity level, and other injuries.

Age. While there is no age cut-off for surgical intervention, it is rarely performed on individuals over age 55.

Activity level. Surgical reconstruction may also benefit young people and those who participate in occupations or sports that involve jumping, pivoting, cutting, or rapid deceleration.

Associated injuries. Patients with multiple knee injuries (ACL plus meniscus, fracture, or medial collateral ligament) generally benefit from surgery to prevent significant activity restrictions and minimize the already heightened risk of osteoarthritis.

While the risk of osteoarthritis is increased after an ACL tear, the effect of surgery on the development of osteoarthritis remains unclear.

 ACL Surgical Repair
Surgery is the most appropriate long-term treatment for some ACL tears. In these cases, the surgeon will remove the torn anterior cruciate ligament and create a new one using a graft.
Below are the most common materials used to make an ACL grafts, each with unique benefits.

1 Patellar tendon. A patellar tendon autograft utilizes the patient’s own tendon to replace the torn ACL, and is beneficial because of its inherent rapid healing.

2 Hamstring tendon. Autografts using the patient’s hamstring have become increasingly more common because they are not associated with anterior knee pain as in autografts.

3 Cadaver tendon. Allografts, which are the utilization of cadaver tendons, are preferred by some surgeons because they do not require removal of the patient’s own tendon.

No specific graft type has proven to be superior aside from that with which a particular surgeon is most experienced.

ACL Injury Prevention
Recent attention has focused on prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries, especially in young females who participate in high-risk sports.

Successful interventions consist of a multi-component program that include a combination of the following:
1 High-intensity jumping plyometric exercises
2 Biomechanical analysis with direct feedback to the athlete about proper position and movement patterns, including cutting and landing techniques
3 Strength training, especially of the hamstring and gluteus maximus muscles
4 Proprioceptive training, such as use of a wobble-board, to improve muscle strength, balance and reaction times
Successful programs have been initiated at least 6 weeks prior to the sports season, followed by an in-season maintenance program that may replace the traditional warm-up.

In addition to changes in training, changes in footwear may decrease the chance of ACL injuries. Shoes with longer or a higher number of cleats seem to increase the risk of ACL injuries.
Finally, let's give our best wishes to Jabari Parker, The future is still yours!

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Source: DisuppoSport, a Sports Protection Expert




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