
About The Forefoot And Heel In Running

Foot is an important part of the lower limb motion system, which is an important part of maintaining the stability of gait.

In the process of human movement of center of gravity is regarded as a spring, in the toe off it to the lever arm effect, support the entire body weight.

The strength of the foot is very large, the load is about 120% of the weight when walking, running when it reached to 275%.

Running is established on the basis of the walk, from a biomechanical perspective, either before or after the foot to heel all have advantages and disadvantages.

Many friends have their own experience and feelings. Put aside personal physical characteristics, sports ability, running speed and other practical issues to discuss running posture, is very one-sided.

We need to define a concept before starting this problem. Usually said before or after the foot heel, which is divided according to the different characteristics of the time.

Before the feet run, does not mean simply with forefoot running, but pointed to the first front foot on the ground, then your heels, but slight stress or no stress; then heel run, refers to the heel first, then quickly scroll to the front foot and, a move to the next cycle.

When the front foot on the ground, theoretically the protective effect of the knee is better than your heels.

First, when running before the feet means the foot muscle, tendon and tendon to participate in the process of foot landing in the buffer at the same time, this method can make full use of the elastic buffer with arch to the impact, reduce the force to the direct transfer of the knee joint.

Second, before the feet running when the body slightly forward, can effectively prevent a foot too reach, will make it easier for a foot falls under the center of gravity of the body, in favor of a foot knee remain slightly bent, thereby reducing the impact force.

Because of a foot in front of body gravity will cause the knee caused similar to the "brake" effect, increasing impact on the knees. To achieve this buffering effect requires a certain premise: when running to keep the body upright, knees slightly bent, while maintaining a small amplitude, high frequency, i.e. before the feet need faster running speed. This is also in sprint before the feet are more common causes.

In addition, running before the feet of the lower limb strength requirements are higher.

According to the results of the mathematical model of Burdett: running the Achilles tendon need to bear the equivalent weight of 5.3~10 times, which requires the triceps has better muscle strength; support phase, ankle flexor contraction to slow down the speed of the anterior tibial anterior tibial muscle; eccentric contraction to reduce slow foot above the limb forward movement, preventing knee gait in the mid foot support phase; to toe off process, gluteus and hamstrings to participate in activities, and increase the activity of 30%~50% in support of the body to slow down. Effect of dorsal foot flexor involved in the running cycle of 70%.

 In the full foot touchdown, intrinsic muscles, foot toe flexors and peroneal muscles before and after the foot stability plays an important role.

Thus, although before the feet of the knee impact force is reduced, but the arch, triceps, Achilles tendon, ankle and foot muscles, fascia, ligament, the pressure is bigger.

In fact, only the knee should bear part of the load transfer to the ankle. This is a lot of strength relatively weak people take leg muscle pain, Achilles tendon pain, anterior tibial muscle pain and ankle pain causes the forefoot running method, is an important cause of plantar fasciitis.

Muscle soreness after days of rest will soon recover, but for the arch and near the ankle ligament injury, slow recovery. The weight is relatively large, or ankle stability is relatively poor people, in the front foot on the ground running, we must pay attention to the amount and intensity of exercise, do what, to avoid the arch of the foot or ankle and foot, plantar fascia ligament injury.

So,for a beginner or usually sedentary fitness crowd, want to protect the foot in running,need to pay special attention to the following three points: 1, reduce the risk of injury, reached a certain speed; 2, enhance lower extremity muscle strength; 3, exercise intensity should not be too large.



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